20 Sep Operating a Private LTE Network
The purpose of this paper is to provide an electric utility some variables to consider when it comes to the planning, design, setup and then running of a private LTE network. Although some utilities already have experience with operating legacy communications, there is a lack of exposure to LTE. We hope that you find this paper useful in your consideration of deploying & operating a private LTE network.
What problems are the Utility trying to solve?
As a first step, it is important for the utility to consider the potential uses of the LTE network. This will help in the definition of operations requirements. Not only under-standing the types of applications such as SCADA, AMI, and Meter Reading but also working with the application owners and understanding their throughput, latency, and polling requirements. Putting together a data call model for each application will help formulate your spectrum and site requirements which will in turn drive the complexity for your RF design team. A lesson learned from the Southern Linc deployment was that many of the application owners grossly overestimated their through-put and polling requirements. Defining a minimum set of use cases required to support your LTE business case will help you determine the size and scope of your network deployment and in turn extrapolate your utility operation needs.
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