13 Apr Press Release (Feb 7 2023)
Utility Broadband Alliance Celebrates Growth and Evolution on Second Anniversary
SAN DIEGO, CA, USA, February 7, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — At the DistribuTECH International event this week, the Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA) will celebrate its second anniversary as a 501(c)(6) ) not-for-profit association dedicated to advancing and developing utility broadband networks as a key enabler of the utility of the future. The UBBA membership growth in the first two years has emphasized the need for the Alliance as the critical resource for utilities to understand the imperative of private LTE networks as the key to secure, resilient, digital grid modernization. The Alliance has grown beyond its initial goals, which focused on business drivers, use cases and technical requirements of private LTE. For 2023, UBBA will expand its efforts to support utilities with smart grid device and application testing as well as increasing member engagement through sharing of lessons learned from early adopters.
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